Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Big Update coming soon!

I have been beyond busy finishing the biggest project of my life for the past few months. The feature length movie. In the coming weeks I will hopefully be able to write about the "big events" coming up. Looking forward to premiering the movie. Doing a Q and A, and generally having a lot of fun.

I will update on my whole experience making a feature length, zero budget movie shortly.

I will also get back to the stories. My how the stories take me back. Those were the days where nothing mattered aside from having fun. I wasn't ass deep in debt. I didn't have two horny chihuahuas looking to F each other. Didn't have my hot lady and so on and so forth.

Here are a few stories I will be writing in the upcoming weeks/whenever I have free time:

2004 ALCS Game 4. Red Sox vs. Yankees
NYC 2004. Wrestle Mania 20
The Crater
What Happened to Your Tits?!
Classy Trip to Bickfords
Beehive (if I havent already wrote it)
Stand Up Comics
Chunk Master Flex
The Semi Formal
Nightmare on Elm street
The Library
Big Fucking Shit Day

Tons of fun on the way! After those, I am not sure what else I will be able to write about. I think I will have gone over all the really good, really memorable moments in my life. Looks like I will have to start another one of these in ten years when I've created new memories. Thats still a while off though. Maybe I will try to publish all this shit as a book. Living the life of a loser. Sounds great!


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