Monday, March 01, 2010

Been a long time

I haven't posted on here in a while. I was supposed to but ya know, life happens. This isn't going to be a post about the random horse shit that goes on with my friends and myself, but an actual post for me to just get some shit off of my chest at the moment.

I have a busy couple days coming up with a wake/funeral to go to, an interview for a new job with apple (you don't even understand how grateful and excited I'd be for that), and the all important advanced screening of the Hot Tub Time Machine.

Regarding the job. I've worked at my same dead end job since I was 17. I am turning 28 in a few weeks and still after all this time I am stuck under a glass ceiling. For reasons that are fair or not, I haven't gotten the opportunity to do anything new in the past six years. Even when I asked I got the run around and a bunch of bullshit. Sure I should be flattered that I am such a "good worker" that I don't want to be let go to do other things, but that shit really hurts a guys morale as far as trying hard to do my shitty job.

So two weeks ago, I was pulled aside and finally given an opportunity to do something new. By new it's more like the same shit in a brand new store. So it won't be new for long once the shiny polished feeling wears off and I realize I am still in fact doing the same shit. Maybe there's an opportunity down the line but who knows.

The day after I was offered this, I got a response on my resume I submitted to Apple numerous times. What're the odds that happens right? So I went to the career seminar which was invite only, watched some videos, answered and aske questions and basically was one of 8 people auditioning for a one on one interview.

I thought I did a great job. I was nervous as I haven't had any sort of job interaction in almost ten years. This doesn't include the job I applied for, interviewed for and was hired for at Best Buy in '03 and was duped out of leaving for.

A few days past and I heard nothing. Each passing day and the flame was fading quickly as far as my hopes went. Then Thursday I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled. All four. What a miserable occasion right? Go home and try to relax and feel okay and I get an email from Apple

One on one interview Monday. Sweet!

I'm very excited and at the same time pretty nervous. I'm ready for something new in my life. I need it to be honest. Things haven't met the expectations I've set for myself so at least this could be a stepping stone for me to get a larger job down the line involving video production and teaching using Final Cut.

So I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping it works out for me. If that works out, I plan on making some changes in my life in order to continue my goals of getting my shit together (which for some reason isn't happening like I've wanted it to)

It's almost three in the morning so I am done here. Next post will be an update on some of te "creative" projects I've got going on. I'll try to get that done in the next week or so, for real. Especially since I just got this new application to update esily through my phone. See all my negative readers later


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